
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Konfunded by Konfabulator

Yahoo!, here we come!

Bet folks at Apple are grimacing at this. Now, the "great" dashboard feature that is avialable on Tiger is available for free on good old Windows. The guys at konfabulator used to make this for Apple and charge a nominal fee. Then, Apple in good Redmond tradition decided to copy the feature and give the guys who came up with it no credit. So, when Apple announced the Tiger and put up posters proclaiming "Redmond, start your copying engines" the guys at konfabulator came up with their own - "Cupertino, start your copying engines".

But, here is the sweet revenge - Yahoo buys them and makes konfabulator free. Now, that is fabulous especially for the guys at Redmond.

Speaking of Apple, first the "knowledgable" analysts were proclaiming that Mac Mini will Mac an household name. Now, that does not seem to be happening. So, they have started saying that MacTel (Mac on Intel) will do the trick. Doubt it. In the Mac / Intel relationship I bet that it is Intel that is holding all the cards. And, as long as the ego maniac is around as the CEO Apple is doomed to be niche player.

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