
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour in India ?

Today at 8pm Central Chicago is supposed to go dark for about an hour. The whole "Earth Hour" concept is gimmicky but gimmicks catch attention and something is better than nothing. I checked the Earth Hour website to see if any of our desi cities were participating in it - None. Then, I realized that they are the pioneers in the concept but they never branded it - they just called it load shedding/ maintenance outage ;) Someday they too will call it "earth hour(s)" or "earth day(s)".

Getting everyone to reduce their energy consumption on a daily basis is hard esp. when we cannot let go of our laptops, broadband connections, flat screen tvs, cellphones and iPods. I left the cars and SUVs here because while they get the rap for global warming the biggest culprit is electricity (See Vinod Kholsa's presentation). Would you unplug your flat screen tv because it contributes to global warming or would you rather watch planet earth on it in high-def?

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