
Friday, June 25, 2004

Now you can while away time on the Internet when the train is running late

Aljazeera.Net - Internet offered to Indian rail passengers

So, the Indian Railways plans to introduce Internet access on certain trains. This is the same railway system that
1) Cannot keep the trains running on time
2) Cannot keep the trains on the track (Of course, Amtrak seems to have a higher percentage of incidents)
3) Cannot get travellers to pay for their travel
4) Cannot run a lean. efficient organization

How about getting the basic things right first, like
1) Improving the on time record
2) Improving the safety record
3) Improving Customer service
4) Improving organizational efficiency

Hell, those may be too much to ask. But, if you have a laptop and your train is late you will be able to spend time browsing the net.

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