O' bam 'er (Oh! Bummer)
I find the whole Obama phenomenon funny. He may be smart and charismatic but if you think his lack of experience is not scary then think again.
For me the decision was made long back - afterall, I lived in India under Rajiv Gandhi - the same old change/ hope story that went sour. I remember an article describing Rajiv Gandhi's time - "He tried to change the system but the system changed him."
As for Obama, first came the story that the guy had not paid a few Harvard parking tickets till he announced his candidacy. I am sure he knew about the tickets and I bet his wife's promotion/ pay raise would have covered it. But, I guess he could get away without paying till the candidacy and he did. Then came his support for Todd Stoger whose only qualification was his last name. So much for change. It just showed how this "vote for change" will go. Then, the man who proudly proclaims his opposition to the Iraq war promised to bomb Pakistan if they would not go after the terrorists. Yeah, right.
Hope springs eternal but looking through rosy glasses does not change reality.