Ah! the unmistakeable sign of a super power in making
Never mind that that the Presidential election has become a nomination. But, this one has been been reduced to a "tamasha". Hey, look at the bright side - we will have a woman president (even before US of A will have one). And, what more
- she was a one time beauty queen
- she can communicate with the dead ("dead guru had given her a premonition that she was destined to become India's first citizen)
- she can rewrite history ("the veil was introduced to protect their women from Mughal invaders")
- she can bankrupt a bank
The last two have become requirements for elected politicians in India.
Indians are proud of their leaders. Afterall, we have a top class scientist as President and a world class economist as the Prime minister. They always point that out and ask how can the mighty US have such an "idiot" for President. I always point out that Kalam became President because of political adjustments that centered around his religion rather than his credentials and Singh became the Prime Minister due to some wonderful political intrigue. Otherwise, a one time waitress who had limited political experience, could not speak a local language until recently and was not a citizen until two decades back could have become the Prime minister. Scary thought! At least George W was elected directly (second term) by the citizens of the country.
#46 on the IT competitiveness scale. Well, at least we are better than our neighbours. Of course, that is very little to be proud of.