Unions = stupid herd
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India hit by strike over reforms
I have a pet theory - unions everywhere are stupid. Unions, pilots and cab drivers world over are the same.
I often wonder if the trade unions have always been so stupid or just evolved to be so stupid. World over they seem to do their best to make life miserable for everyone else other than themselves.
In India strikes called by unions and their political supporters (usually, the reds who live in delusion-land) is quite common. The people who are affected by these strikes by government and bank workers are the poorer people who have to work everyday to feed themselves. These daily wages folks are dependent on the public transport, public and private institutions to earn their living. They don't know entitlement - they don't know job security or government pay checks. I wish the government would have the balls to do what Dr. JJ did in Tamilnadu - she fired all striking government workers enmasse. The fired workers went to court and lost their case. The government does not owe you a paycheck. You bloody well work for it. And, if the market is chhanging be prepared to adapt to the changing market.
Here in the US, I was amused by United airlines attendants threatening wildcat strikes to protest against United axing the pension. United had to axe the pension because they are in financial trouble - partly because of the strike they had in summer of 2000, the world economy after 9/11 and general managerial incompetence. The attendants are lucky they have a job and the airline is still flying. So, how does going on strike help them keep their job or improve the airline's financial situation.